This list shows error codes that are API responses to unsuccessful communication.
If a problem occurs and the HTTP status code is other than “200” (successful), then an error code will be returned.
At that time, an error message with json format will be returned as well.
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Server: Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 X-RateLimit-Limit: 120 X-RateLimit-Reset: 60 X-RateLimit-Remaining: 107 { "error":{ "code": 400, "message": "There is a format error in the requested contents." } }
Below is a list of error codes returned upon an error and details to describe each error.
HTTP Status Code |
Error Code |
Error Message |
Details |
400 Bad Request |
400 | The requested contents contain a format error. | This is issued if there is a formatting error or something is missing in the requested parameter. |
401 Unauthorized |
401 | Authentication information error. | This is issued when a mistaken entry is made for the API Key, login ID or the password. |
403 Forbidden |
403 | Please communicate via HTTPS. | This is an error that occurs when trying to access the API via HTTP. It is necessary to access all of the APIs using HTTPS. |
415 Unsupported Media Type |
415 | Requested content cannot be handled using JSON format. | This is issued when the requested parameter is not in the correct JSON format. |
429 Too Many Requests |
429 | Usage limit for the API has been exceeded. | This is issued when the set upper limit for the rate limit for any of the API has been exceeded. Please check the status of the “X-RateLimit-***” in the response header and try to access again after waiting for a short time. |
503 Service Unavailable |
503 | Server is having trouble processing. | This is issued when some kind of problem has occurred on the server end and processing could not take place. Please try to access again and if the problem continues, please contact our service support. |
Below is a list of error codes in the graph data obtained over the API.
Error Code |
Error Message |
Details |
E0 | Communication Error | Communication Error. |
E1 | Sensor Error | Sensor is damaged or unconnected. |
E2 | Under Range Error | Out of measurement range (below) |
E3 | Over Range Error | Out of measurement range (above) |