This can be used to get the most recent current readings from compatible devices that are being managed with T&D WebStorage Service.
It is possible to get the same list of current readings in the "Data View" window of T&D WebStorage Service.
*Note that info about and related to warnings is not included at this time. We are however planning to include warning information in future revisions.
Read-Only ID is also possible
10 requests per allotted 2-minute span
When automatically uploading data to T&D WebStorage Service, the shortest possible uploading interval for devices such as TR-7wb/nw/wf is 1 minute.
We have designed the API so that it is possible to get the most current readings from devices like this which refresh every minute.
The rate limit allows for gaps in timing between devices, but we calculate that in most cases almost all conditions will be covered if current readings are retrieved from 2 to 5 times within a 2-minute period.
Item Name | Value |
HTTP Method | POST |
X-HTTP-Method-Override | GET |
Host | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Parameter Name | Format | Required | Default Value | Details |
api-key | string(45 characters) | Yes | --- | Already acquired API Key |
login-id | string(8 characters) | Yes | --- | User ID Read-Only ID is also possible. |
login-pass | string(4-16 characters) | Yes | --- | The password for the above User ID. |
remote-serial | Array: string(8 characters) | --- | Make entries here when wishing to select by using one or more Remote Unit Serial Numbers. It is possible to specify multiple units by using more than one array. (*1) | |
base-serial | Array: string(8 characters) | --- | Make entries here when wishing to select by using one or more Base Unit Serial Numbers. It is possible to specify multiple units by using more than one array. (*1) |
(*1) For both “remote-serial” and “base-serial” it is possible to specify multiple units. However do not specify by using both “remote-serial” and “base-serial” at the same time. Make sure to specify by using only “remote-serial”, by using only “base-serial”, or by using neither of them to specify.
When specifying by using “remote-serial”, you are already specifying a base device and hence it is not necessary to use “base-serial”.
If specifying by serial number, even if only one serial number is specified make sure to describe as an array. (Please refer to the Request Example below.)
Request Header
POST /v1/devices/current HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json X-HTTP-Method-Override: GET
Request Body
[1. If you wish to get device info for all devices.] { "api-key":"73pfobnche8d1p6laqnemsbnpkght3bjv047oid6p2sg3", "login-id":"tbzz9999", "login-pass":"ppaasswwoorrdd" } [2. If you wish to get device info from multiple Remote Units by using specific Remote Unit serial numbers] { "api-key":"73pfobnche8d1p6laqnemsbnpkght3bjv047oid6p2sg3", "login-id":"tbzz9999", "login-pass":"ppaasswwoorrdd", "remote-serial":["52120001","52120002"] } *In this example, two sets of data are being retrieved from TR-71wf[52120001] and TR-71wf[52120002]. [3. If you wish to get device info from a specific Base Unit and its registered Remote Units by using a specific Base Unit serial number] { "api-key":"73pfobnche8d1p6laqnemsbnpkght3bjv047oid6p2sg3", "login-id":"tbzz9999", "login-pass":"ppaasswwoorrdd", "base-serial":["52A010D0"] } *In this example, all data for all Remote Units registered to our company’s demo device RTR-500AW[52A010D0] is being retrieved.
This is an example of request using the curl command, which is available from the command line on Windows and Mac devices.
The example command includes request header and request body.
[1. If you wish to get device info for all devices.] curl -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-HTTP-Method-Override: GET" \ -d '{"api-key":"73pfobnche8d1p6laqnemsbnpkght3bjv047oid6p2sg3","login-id":"tbzz9999","login-pass":"ppaasswwoorrdd"}' \ [2. If you wish to get device info from multiple Remote Units by using specific Remote Unit serial numbers] curl -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-HTTP-Method-Override: GET" \ -d '{"api-key":"73pfobnche8d1p6laqnemsbnpkght3bjv047oid6p2sg3","login-id":"tbzz9999","login-pass":"ppaasswwoorrdd","remote-serial":["52120001","52120002"]}' \ *In this example, two sets of data are being retrieved from TR-71wf[52120001] and TR-71wf[52120002]. [3. If you wish to get device info from a specific Base Unit and its registered Remote Units by using a specific Base Unit serial number] curl -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-HTTP-Method-Override: GET" \ -d '{"api-key":"73pfobnche8d1p6laqnemsbnpkght3bjv047oid6p2sg3","login-id":"tbzz9999","login-pass":"ppaasswwoorrdd","base-serial":["52A010D0"]}' \ *In this example, all data for all Remote Units registered to our company’s demo device RTR-500AW[52A010D0] is being retrieved.
Item Name | Value | Details |
HTTP status code | (**) | HTTP Status Code |
Content-Type | application/json; charset=utf-8 | Character code is UTF-8 |
X-RateLimit-Limit | (integer) | Maximum number of requests per allotted time span |
X-RateLimit-Reset | (integer) | Number of seconds in the allotted time span |
X-RateLimit-Remaining | (integer) | Remaining number of requests per allotted time span |
(**) If the HTTP status code is “200”, then the process has been completed successfully. If any other HTTP status code is returned, then an error has occurred and processing was not completed. If an error does occur, JSON data with the error info included will be returned.
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Server: Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 X-RateLimit-Limit: 60 X-RateLimit-Reset: 60 X-RateLimit-Remaining: 57 { "error":{ "code": error code, "message": "error details" } }
Item Name | Format | Details |
devices | Array | Device (Remote Unit) Info shown here as an array in which the number of elements equals the number of devices. If there is a combination of Base Units and Remote Units, only the Remote Unit Info is included. |
devices.num | string(*1) | Device (Remote Unit) Number shown here. In the case of an independently operating device (no Base required), then fixed at “0”. |
devices.serial | string(8 characters) | Device (Remote Unit) Serial Number |
devices.model | string(32 characters) | Device (Remote Unit) Model Name | | string(32 characters) | Device (Remote Unit) Device Name |
devices.battery | string(*1) | Device (Remote Unit) Battery Level TR7A2/7A, TR-7wb/nw/wb series 1: Very low - change now | 2: Low - change soon | 3: Getting Low | 4: Medium | 5: High RTR500B/RTR-500 series/TR4A series 1-3: Very low - change now | 4: Low - change soon | 5: High |
devices.rssi | string(*1) | Device (Remote Unit) Radio Signal Strength |
devices.time_diff | string(*1) | Device Time Difference Info [in units of minutes] shown here. If it is a Remote Unit, then the time difference info will be that set in Base Unit to which it is registered. |
devices.std_bias | string(*1) | Device Time Difference from Standard [in units of minutes] shown here. If it is a Remote Unit, then the time difference from standard info will be that set in Base Unit to which it is registered. |
devices.dst_flg | string(*1) | Daylight Savings Time Flag. If the device's daylight savings time (DST) setting is ON, “1” will be returned. If it is OFF (or if the device does not support DST), “0” will be returned. |
devices.dst_bias | string(*1) | Device Time Difference during Daylight Savings Time [in units of minutes] shown here.This value is fixed at “60” regardless of the DST setting on the device. |
devices.unixtime | string(*1) | Device (Remote Unit) Clock Time of Most Recent Measurement (unixtime) | | Array | Device (Remote Unit) Measurement Channel Info shown here. Array in which the number of measurement channels is the number of elements. | | string(*1) | Channel Number | | string(32 characters) | Channel Name | | string(*1)(*2) | Most Recent Measurement Reading shown here. | | string(20 characters) | Unit of Measurement shown here. If scale conversion is taking place, then the value will be the post converted measurement value. |
devices.baseunit | Array | Base Unit Info shown here. Array in which the number of Base Units is the number of elements. Even if it is an independently operating device (no Base required), the device info will be entered as if it were a Base Unit. |
devices.baseunit.serial | string(8 characters) | Base Unit Serial Number (if it is an independently operating device (no Base required), then it will be that device’s serial number) |
devices.baseunit.model | string(32 characters) | Base Unit Model Name (if it is an independently operating device (no Base required), then it will be that device’s model name) | | string(32 characters) | Base Unit Device Name (if it is an independently operating device (no Base required), then it will be the device name of that device) | | Array | Group Info shown here. Array in which the number of groups is the number of elements. Even if there are devices with no Group settings, the number “0” will treated as one element. | | string(*1) | Group Number (If it is a device with no Group settings, then fixed at “0”. ) | | string(16 characters) | Group Name (If it is a device with no Group settings, then blank data.) |
(*1) The value is a number, but the type is character-based.
(*2) If the measured value is obtained, a numeric value of character type is returned, but if an error occurs, an error value starting with E is returned.
* “Independently operating devices” refers to such devices as in the TR7A2/7A, TR-7wb/nw/wf Series, TR4A Series, and the TR-700w series which can send data to T&D WebStorage Service acting alone without a Base Unit.
{ "devices": [{ "num": "2", "serial": "52BC078B", "model": "RTR-503", "name": "02", "battery": "5", "rssi": "5", "time_diff": "540", "std_bias": "0", "dst_flg": "0", "dst_bias": "60", "unixtime": "1476150408", "channel": [{ "num": "1", "name": "temp", "value": "23.9", "unit": "C" }, { "num": "2", "name": "humid", "value": "40", "unit": "%" } ], "baseunit": { "serial": "529C0051", "model": "RTR-500NW", "name": "RTR-500NW_529C0051" }, "group": { "num": "0", "name": "Group1" } },{ "num": "1", "serial": "52BC1495", "model": "RTR-503", "name": "01", "battery": "5", "rssi": "5", "time_diff": "540", "std_bias": "0", "dst_bias": "0", "unixtime": "1476150411", "channel": [{ "num": "1", "name": "temp", "value": "23.9", "unit": "C" }, { "num": "2", "name": "humid", "value": "39", "unit": "%" } ], "baseunit": { "serial": "529C0051", "model": "RTR-500NW", "name": "RTR-500NW_529C0051" }, "group": { "num": "0", "name": "Group1" } } ] }