We have prepared a Ruby sample program to illustrate how to use our open API.
The sample program is available on T&D's GitHub account (https://github.com/tandd-lab/webstorage-api-ruby-sample).
The sample program uses a Ruby gem created by a member of our company and is open-source.
The link to the gem can be found in the [README] section of the GitHub repository.
gem install ondotori-ruby-client
require "ondotori-ruby-client" require 'json' # Use to format and output params = { "api-key" => "apikeyapikeyapikeyapikeyapikeyapikey", # Enter the obtained API KEY "login-id" => "your-login-id", # Enter the User ID "login-pass" => "your-login-password" # Enter the password for the User ID } begin client = Ondotori::WebAPI::Client.new(params) response = client.current puts "#{JSON.pretty_generate(response)}" # Format and output rescue Ondotori::WebAPI::Api::Errors::Error => e puts "An error has occurred. #{e.message} #{e.code}" end